PLUSECON Basic Security Training Program is a supporting & independent training program which is not connected directly with the training program which is compulsory under the private security law numbered 5188.
it is a need that the training programs which aims to train the security guards some of which are just finished the night şhift and the others who would go to another shift, have to be flexible due to these difficulties.
PLUSECON takes the issue of Security Training as based on three basic elements in order to set up combination and consciousnes. These are ; "Security", '' Safety '' and '' Emergency ''
Education is not a simple interaction issue. Each of the following 8 elements mentioned below have to be considered in order to fulfill the needs of a satisfactory training program. These are;
1. KnowHow (professional knowledge based on institutional & sectoral experience)
2. Physicial Infrastructure (Providing appropriate training environment)
3. Curriculum
4. Presentation
5. Educator
6. Quality of staff
7. Personnel Motivation
8. Time
Educational programs need to be considered from a specific angle which shows the best way to easy learning.
PLUSECON approach is based on audio-visual techniques. Hundreds of photos, animated films produced in our corporate body, and short films are used to prepare the presentations. The visualized curriculum is much more intriguing "easy to learn" and "memorable" for the attendants with these features. The curriculum and presentation have been adapted to the "adult education" criteria.
Content and DurationBasic education normally last 16 lessons (two days). Refresher training is reduced to 8 hours. The effectiveness of the PSC Training Curriculum is always due to the fact that private security has been reduced to its own mission and then strengthened on this basis.
PLUSECON ''Private Security Training Curriculum" seeks to acquire the following four basic qualifications:
a. Deterrence
The deterrence function belongs to the entire security structure. (Information Collection, Personnel, Equipment, procedure, inspection) In this regard, the mission of the security staff is to learn how to provide the continuity of the system and use it efficiently. Every staff member was informed about the capasity of the devices and system they use and also the weaknesses of them.
b. Early diagnosis
The concept ''Security'' represents an area of expertise which is both difficult and which has the mission such as ''To avoid or detect before something happens''. This training is besed on teaching - how to detect the standart suspicious signs and how to identify non-standard suspicious signs. The curriculum is based on search and control ways and principles and covers different categories such as suspicious signs on people, on Areas, on tools, on mail, on materials etc. , how to search and control
c. Quick Intervention
In the second stage of the training the second possibility is handled. Namely; we suppose that the event couldn't be detected before it happened and it started to happen. in this case, the questions ''what is important and what to do'' directly change into the answer of quick and effective intervention. this step requires the classes which can be the answer to these questions. The biggest problem at the moment of an event is that the staff are late or totally unresponsive to intervention under the influence of "shock and panic". The private security curriculum will address these risks and the practical methods that should be included.
D. Onsite and Effective Intervention
Just quick reaction is not enough. A fast and quick reaction can also bring undesired results if it is not given by professional and well trained personnel. what has to be avoid strictly on this stage is to lose the balance between the profit and loss. This means how we react mustn't turn the present situation into a worse case.
To be successful in this regard, the "decision making processes" have to be known well. PSC Security seminar curriculum will cover all of these basic approaches.